17 March 2024

Spend some days working on setting up my build system with formatting and linting rules, even if I’m alone working on this. ESPECIALLY if I’m alone working on this. This project will take several years at least, it’s important that I have something that force me to be consistent in my design choices (maybe it will keep me from starting this project over and over again). Also, I’m not a professional C++ programer, I know C++ from personal hobbies, but haven’t used it with professional rules....

March 17, 2024 · Sylvain Nieuwlandt

13 March 2024

Quite a busy couple of weeks both on my day-to-day job, and on my personal life. So I didn’t work that much on the project. I’ve pushed the powershell configure scripts as far as I can, but it quickly became a mess with a load of duplication between projects. To respect my “Keep it simple” mojo, I decided to drop it and replace it with good old CMakeLists files instead. I didn’t knew CMake before Avatar, and now I found some elegance in it....

March 13, 2024 · Sylvain Nieuwlandt

26 February 2024

Small addition today, I’ve finished the base of Avatar’s build system. Again, the simpler the better. I decided to keep the well-known GNU/Linux logic of configure/make/make install. With the exception of writing the configure script not in autoconf but in Powershell. You’ll first need to run the configure.ps1 script which will check the presence of required tools on the system (compiler, linker, make etc etc…), and then it will create a Makefile, based on a template existing in the project....

February 26, 2024 · Sylvain Nieuwlandt

21 February 2024

Managed to take the time of doing a minimal project management. Not something fancy with a lot of tools or procedures. In fact my “issue workflow” fits in 30 lines (formatting included). Got a lot of work to do to simply render a basic room without window, but it’s part of the fun.

February 21, 2024 · Sylvain Nieuwlandt

20 February 2024

Ok, I started this project again. This time it will be the last. No more distraction : no unnecessary tools to configure (GitHub, SourceHut, Project managers…), no unnecessary “helpers” (no more CI pipelines or Wikis), let just keep things to the minimal state. I want a project management ? todo list in markdown. I want a CI pipeline ? Git Hooks + Make target. Let’s face it, I’ll be the only one working on this, and it’s a side project to keep me busy....

February 20, 2024 · Sylvain Nieuwlandt