Man that I’m tired… It’s been a rough few of days, lot of things to process on my day-to-day life (personal and professional). ADHD hit me hard since the last week, meaning that I have a lot of trouble to focus, even for 5min. And I use all my focus power for my job when I have meetings or with my children. Sadly, this leaves nothing for the Avatar project.

Often I found myself dopamining by scrolling on social networks or replaying scenes of movies or shows I’ve already seen a thousand times, I don’t even know why… But what I know is that I had always this little pressure over Avatar and how the Vulkan initialization doesn’t make any progress. Not because I’m technically stuck, but just because I can’t focus.

The last couple of days, it appears to me that I’m in a state where my “reflex gestures” (I don’t think that’s Obsessional disorder, it’s just that I did them without even thinking, just to do stop and doing them again over and over) came back. Openning a new tab in my browser just to write the same letters, checking 2-3 times an hour is my keys are still on the door’s lock… Usually, this means that I’m highly tired since I can’t cope up of those gestures and lack of focus.

I’ll try to go to sleep earlier today.