I decided to remove this little rock in my shoes that was my personal website this weekend. I’m more interested by the content I’ll put in it rather by its format. So I’ve setup something simple : a static website generator (Hugo) with a pre-existing template, a Gitlab project, and Gitlab Pages for the deployment. I’ve only linked my personal domain to it and issue a SSL certificate for the HTTPS connection. Nothing fancy.

I’ve removed my ramblings about Avatar from the Avatar repository to put them in the blog instead. I think it will be more interesting.

Now I’ve only to write my first blog post to explain the purpose of Avatar and what it will be and not be. Then if I have enough motivation remaining for this at that time, I will write my second post about the behavior of Windows’ WinRT API when you’re working with window and input events. I’ll mostly use what I learned from the first steps of Avatar to write it.

This blog will have 2 purpose :

  1. Show to eventual recruiters in the VR/video game industry what I’m capable of
  2. Document my project and keep me motivated

And if someone learns a new thing from it, I’ll be extremely pleased.